Vocation Discernment
What are you seeking?
Trying to figure out your future?
Are you seeking peace?
Have you asked where God wants you?
God has the answers to these questions. Guadalupe House may help you to discover them.
Is your world supportive?
Today's noisy and distracting world makes it difficult to hear God's voice.
Maybe your friends and even your family are paying little or no attention to the spiritual life.
Many no longer believe that God exists or, if He does exist, that He cares.
Guadalupe House can help you set aside time to listen, while living in community with your brothers. You will discover your next step.
What is a Vocation?
God gives each of us a mission which will bring us to the greatest holiness and joy. This is called our vocation, which involves every aspect of our life.
Sometimes one vocation leads to another. When we are not sure of our vocation or mission, when our life's direction is unclear, we are in a period of life discernment.
How can Guadalupe House help in my discernment?
Guadalupe House is home to some residents who are exploring various life paths as they prayerfully discover the direction to which God is leading. It is also home to some more mature men who have had a variety of life experiences and who possess a deep faith in God's designs. They may be able to provide you with some insights into your questions.
Guadalupe House provides:
a supportive, Catholic environment
a lifestyle of simplicity, prayer, and fellowship
a house administrator to offer direction and encouragement
How is the atmosphere of Guadalupe House supportive?
Minimizes the noise and distraction of today’s world
Provides an environment for contemplation and spiritual growth
Gives rise to an engaging, Catholic community
Encourages residents to surrender to the will of God, and clears a path toward their vocation
What is vocation discernment?
God works through various means (prayer life, community life, work, etc.) to guide us to the life He has in store. Discernment is guided entirely by the Holy Spirit. Guadalupe House enables you to give God time, attention, and space in your life. He will show you what your next step should be.