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History of Guadalupe Vita Dei House

Guadalupe Vita Dei House began in Rhode Island in 2010 when a young man, Patrick Hamor, needed housing while discerning if he might have a religious vocation. 

A private family, who were members of the Confraternity of Penitents, opened their home to Patrick who stayed with them, shared meals with them, and prayed the Divine Office with them daily.  Patrick volunteered in Good Shepherd Catholic Book and Gift Shop and was soon managing the shop while discerning how the Lord was calling him. 

Later Anthony Cain came to live with the same family while he, too, discerned a possible religious vocation. Anthony also ate with the family and prayed the Divine Office with them while working as an aide at Saint Clare Nursing Home. 

Between 2010 and 2013, two other men spent time living with this family, praying with them, and discerning how the Lord was calling them. 

In 2013, the family moved to Fort Wayne and began to search for a location to establish a men's house. In the meantime, five additional men stayed in a private home while praying together, eating together, and discerning their next step.


The current location was purchased in 2017 and work begun on restoring it from water damage suffered when the house was vacant under the previous owner. Work, however, was postponed while Annunciation Women's Vita Dei House was renovated in Fort Wayne. Work on Guadalupe House was resumed in the fall of 2022 and completed in December 2023.

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